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Simple Woman's Weekbook

For Today...

Outside my window... yellow (sun, sun, sun...) blue (clear sky) and .... buildings !

I am thinking... I still have a lot of boxes to fill before the arriving of the furniture removers.

I am thankful for... the nice weather... even if a temperature a little bit cooler would be great !

From the kitchen... proteins and Dukan diet

I am wearing...a comfortable indoor outfit blue sky

I am reading... boo-hoo ... no time for that ...

I am hoping... to have a great life in our new home, in our new village, in my new life of "desperate housewife" ...

I am creating... my first daybook ..

I am praying... for a great month of August...

Around the house... Cars, streets, buildings.... next week, I'm moving into a small village in the country...

One of my favorite things... embroidery... boo-hoo... I have a lot to do and not time for themoment...

A few plans for the rest of the week... filling boxes, filling boxes, filling boxes and... filling boxes !

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you... Sorry, no pictures today...

Love you all!!

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