To support me ...


How to lose weight .... according to Garfield !

I do love Garfield !

He's sometimes oafish, but most of the time he's irresistible and so funny ...


Discovering the world as a baby (4) ...

For a baby, everything is new, everything is a discover....

Enjoy and... remember !

Discovering the world as a baby (3) ...

You'd like to know how baby see you .....

So .... watch this short film !

Discovering the world as a baby (2) ...

As adults, we have forgotten how it could be hard to learn moving, walking or event taking something when we were babies...

Thanks to pampers and a couple of short videos.... we can see the world the same way a baby do it.

Enjoy and .... try to remember ...


Congretulations Michael !

... for the 8 Gold medals you won !

Winning a gold medal at the Olympic Games is impressive.
Winning8 gold medals in only one Olympiad is far much impressive !
I swang as an amateur when I was young. As far as I'm concerned, I am far much more impressed in the training necessary to achieve this result than in the result itself ....
Swimming from 6:30 am, 6 days a week, 12 months a year .... for years ....
I think that tanks to a such training a lot of people could become a high-leveled swimmer.
But I'm convinced that only a few people could endure the kind of training for years ...
So.... Congretulations Michael, you deserve these 8 Gold Medals you won !


Discovering the world as a baby (1) ...

As adults, we have forgotten how it could be hard to learn moving, walking or event taking something when we were babies...

Thanks to pampers and a couple of short videos.... we can see the world the same way a baby do it.

Enjoy and .... try to remember ...


Happy Birthday to ... Alexander !

Yesterday, Alex was 7 months old !

This should have been the most important information of the day but yesterday his also his first day with..... a very very young and small teeth ! We're going to have to wait a couple of days before seeing a real complete teeth.

But our son's first teeth.... that's something important ! Soon, he's going able to bite us...